Dear friend,

There is another way to update your IP address without the use of the no-ip client.

I use lynx and it does just the same. Lynx is part of a regular OBSD install. You can run it, for example, with your connection script (like ppp.linkup) or after a reboot in the rc.local. Also, you can create a job with crontab to run the command in a week basis, for example.

The command line is something like that:
# lynx -dump -accept_all_cookies\password`ifconfig tun0 | grep 'inet ' | awk '{print $2}'`

In my case, I use this line within a script and I redirect the output of this command to another file. If something goes bad, then there is a job running every 30 minutes that tries to update the information in the NO-IP service.

Marcello Cruz

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