Aaron Mason wrote:
> different exit value for each error condition.  It's usually good
> practice to send a numeric error code and let your script handle the
> error itself.  By all means keep the message there, but don't make it
> impossible to use in a script.
> </offtopic>
> Try info->p_pctcpu instead.
u_int32_t p_pctcpu;             /* FIXPT_T: %cpu for this process during
p_swtime */
u_int32_t p_swtime;             /* U_INT: Time swapped in or out. */

My understanding is, that pctcpu is a normalized value over swtime,
which is useless for me.

Sebastian Spies                      e-mail: sebastian.sp...@de-cix.net
DE-CIX Management GmbH
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Geschaeftsfuehrer Harald A. Summa    Fax: +49 69 4056 2716
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