nixlists wrote:
On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 11:14 AM, Mark Lumsden <> wrote:
Are there any OpenBSD users in Yerevan, Armenia? For work reasons, I'm
moving there in a few days for probably the best part of six months. I
know absolutely no-one there so it would be good to go for a beer with
someone (do they have beer in Armenia?)

Most likely you'll be the first one. If there are any BSD users,
they're probably FreeBSD since it's the OS that was the first popular,
and still is - Yandex, etc., Unix in the former USSR during the
dot-bomb. That's right, FreeBSD, not Linux.

It's true, but if you ever will be in Minsk, Belarus, drop me a letter there are a number of OpenBSD fans here.

Beer production and demand has exploded in the republics of former
USSR in the last decade. I am sure Armenia is participating as well,
although traditionally AFAIK they drank and made mostly wine. That
whole stupid vodka stereotype no longer applies.

Erm... Maybe in Armenia, but not everywhere in exUSSR :-)

All they do now in the former USSR is drown in beer and make their
girlfriends cry (very beautiful girlfriends, assholes don't deserve
them). You'll see a lot of that - just walk through some parks...

Just LOL.


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