On 2010-01-12, Shohrukh Shoyoqubov <shohrukh.shoyoku...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/12/2010 4:01 PM, Shohrukh Shoyoqubov wrote:
>> On Tue, Jan 12, 2010 at 2:25 PM, Laurent CARON<lca...@unix-scripts.info>  
>> wrote:
>>> On 12/01/2010 07:19, Shohrukh Shoyoqubov wrote:
>>>> I want all traffic to to be forwarded to I
>>>> assume that should make visible in
>>>> subnet, but it is not. I can't reach it from subnet.
>>>> I am just testing with this lab config and later, I want to use binat
>>>> to assign real IPs to DMZ machines.
>>> Hi,
>>> What are you *really* trying to achieve ?
>>> Mapping public IPs to private ones ?
>> Yes
> Do I need to set an alias IP (the mapped IP) for binat to work?

Technically not, you just need 'some way' to get other hosts to send
you traffic for that address. Could be proxy arp, could be route table
entries (static or routing protocols), but in practice adding an
alias IP is usually what you want.

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