> > I know not everyone uses OpenBSD for a desktop OS, but I have been for > > nearly 5 years and I'm quite curious about some of your opinions? do you > > embrace minimalism or pure aesthetics? are the two mutually exclusive? > > > > When I started using OpenBSD (..around 3.7) I was frequently switching > > between window managers, tweaking.. but for 2 years now I've been using > > fluxbox and I believe I'm comfortable with it. > > > > * Do you use one of the bundled window managers like > > cwm(1)/twm(1)/fvwm(1) or something else? > > * What other utilities do you find useful, any "dockapps" or similar > > applets? personal customizations? > > * Do you try to keep things uniform across other desktops? > > * What does your environment look like? anyone willing to post > > screenshots or actual workspace photos? > > > > I realize none of this may be relevant or even useful, but I figured it > > was worth asking here anyway. > > > > Anyone feel like humouring me? :-)
Who'd have thought thirty years ago we'd all be sittin' here alt-tabin' between xterms with a windowmanager of our choice! In them days we was glad to have little rectangular pieces of paper (wet paper!) and would move them on our desk (at least those lucky bastards who had a desk! a broken desk that is) and point a pencil (with no grafit) into to the one we wanted to write in. And you try and tell the young people of today that ..... they won't believe you.