I have a Netra T1 (sparc64) running 3.9 with raidframe on root. Being
such an old system, I decided to do a fresh install, so I boot the 4.6
cdrom and install the system on the first disk (sd0). Rebooting again
brings the 4.6 up fine so I compile and install a new raidframe-enabled
kernel. Rebooting again produces many core dumps - `uname -a` says 4.6,
but the filesystem is from the old 3.9 raid - the new raidframe kernel
must have found the raid set on the 2nd disk. Physically ejecting the
second disk (sd1) and rebooting gives a clean boot, but now, of course,
I don't have the second disk to install the raid set on...
What do other people do? - rewrite the disklabel on the second disk so
raidframe won't try to use the 2nd disk? - put a new/temporary
/etc/raid0.conf file to configure raidframe to ignore the 2nd disk? Is
it even possible to compile/install 4.6 on top of a raidframe set
avoiding the need to reconfigure it at all?
PS: I looked into softraid for a while, as its recommended in FAQ 14,
before realizing that it didn't support raid on the root disk. This was
especially confusing as its man page lists "softraid0 at root" while not
specifically saying that it doesn't support raiding the /root disk.
Maybe the FAQ and man page could be more clear on these points?
- how to fresh raidframe install on an already raidframe sy... Kent Watsen