On Sun, Jan 03, 2010 at 08:07:58PM -0600, Marco Peereboom wrote:
> I'll take patches. There are several features I don't use but still
> committed; the only requirements I have are:
> * ISC licensed
> * not in the way of current behavior
> * well written and within the scrotwm style

I'll see what I can do then (first time in the scrotwm codebase).

> >* No tagging
> >
> >Since Marco doesn't really like this, and it is his wm, I doubt this
> >would be comming back (a shame, really. you can still use tags as
> >regular workspaces if so inclined).
> What do you mean come back? I used a couple of ideas and lines of
> code from dwm but it is essentially completly written from scratch.
> It was never in there.

I was under the impression that it was basically dwm with your own
changes and unneeded things stripped out (at least that's how I
intrepreted your webpage).

> >I like the way dwm distinguishes between floating windows in a tiled
> >layout and windows that are set to float because of the current
> >floating
> >layout, so if you switch back to a tiled layout, windows which you
> >have
> >explicitly set to floating will remain floating.
> >
> >* New windows are always pushed to the bottom of the stack, can't be
> > configured
> >
> >I think this should be an option.
> Nah, m-enter is the magic.

What about opening a window above the current one (xmonad-style)?

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