On 12/30/09, Tasmanian Devil <tasm.de...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>>> Changes in version - 2009-12-21
>> Downloaded, installed - same exact problem. Tried -alpha as well. Same
>> problem. I assumed alpha worked...
> You're right! It seems I did give you bad advice. I'm sorry about that!
> I tried on a patched 4.6 machine, and my tor- port which
> works fine on -current doesn't work on a patched 4.6. So the only
> options I see to run Tor on 4.6 at the moment is either not to patch
> OpenSSL or to upgrade to -current.
> Tas.

Can't I use OpenSSL version from -current and force tor to use those
libraries on 4.6 instead of the system libcrypto/libssl somehow? How
would one go about doing that?

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