On Wed, Dec 30, 2009 at 12:54 AM, Alexander Hall <ha...@openbsd.org> wrote:
> Lars Nooden wrote:
>> I don't need it currently.
>> I did get good benefits out of it with some embedded devices I used to
>> need frequently.  It made start up noticeably faster on a pair of
>> net4801 boxes that ran (mostly) only dhcpd + pf + ftp via inetd
> Seriously, how much time did you gain every reboot? 15 secs? And how
> often did you really reboot those boxes? Frequent power outages?

I'm certainly not defending the use-case for this program/script, but,
15 seconds per boot is quite a bit of time. Don't think "servers",
think laptops. If one powers on/off their laptop two times a day,
ignoring weekends, over the span of a year that is amounts to over two


> And how does that time compare to the time fiddling with dmassage?
> Now, I won't tell you how to spend your time. Fiddling with stuff can be
> fun. I just do not see any reason for making your system more complex
> for virtually no gain.
> /Alexander
>> Now I wanted to see if it worked with a more complex set up.  It didn't.
>> The biggest bottleneck right on the new system is netstart which goes
>> and tries to get a dhcp lease first, before starting the interfaces with
>> static addresses.  Proposing a fix for netstart.sh is not likely because
>> the tools for that kind of thing appear to be in /usr/bin not /bin.  The
>> work around seems to be to not bring up the interfaces that use dhcp
>> until rc.local is run.
> Again, many reboots? ;-)
> /Alexander

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