(running current on a soekris  5501 box)
I'm using an OpenBSD DSL router at home. After I reboot my dsl router, it 
takes 1 to 3 minutes before the DSL line is up and to the router to be 
functional. When looking at the console it hangs at the following line:
add default
After 1-3 minutes the router finishes to start it's network services and is 
able to route traffic and run normally.

By the way, here is my hostname.pppoe0:
inet -inet6 pppoedev re0\
        authproto pap authname xyz authkey xyz up
!/sbin/route add default

I would like to restrict some boxes in my home network to connect only to 
specific hosts and ports like this:
boxes="{, }"
port1="{ 9999,10000 }"
pass in on $int_if inet proto tcp from $boxes to $host1 port $port1\
        tag allowed1
pass in on $int_if inet proto tcp from $boxes to $host2 port $port2\
        tag allowed1
pass out quick on $ext_if nat-to ($ext_if) tagged allowed1

Well ... here are my problems. The $host{1,2} are DynamicDNS clients which IPs 
can change from time to time. I don't know when they change and I don't have 
a hand on these machines. 

My questions:
1) When I reboot my router, pf.conf fails to load due to the 1-3 minutes 
delay. The 2 hosts are not resolved and there is an error message that 
pf.conf cannot be loaded.
How can I resolve this problem?
2) If the $host{1,2} change after I've loaded my pf rules, how can I track the 
IP changes of these hosts and make pf reload their updated IP adresses.

Thank you very much!!!

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