OpenBSD has some network virtualization (not yet fully ready?) stuff
in the tree called rdomain. I reading the current documentation, but i
dont find any solution to interconnect  two rdomain. I create two
vether interface in different rdomain and switched them, but it doesnt
work.  So that would be nice if this vwire (or similar) device will be
provided and coexist with rdomain.

Ps: FreeBSD has an epair(4) device for its vimage virtualization
solution, something similar for rdomain would be great.

Ps 2: Sorry for my bad english


2009/12/24 Rolf Sommerhalder <>:
> Recently, developers added the pseudo-device vether(4). Such virtual
> switch ports can be member of bridges. An additional pseudo-device
> 'vwire' would come in handy to interconnect two or more switches in a
> virtualized environment, without necessarily bridging to a physical
> switch port as well.
> In addition to providing a simple virtual wire, such a 'vwire'
> pseudo-device offers certain properties, such as delay, loss, jitter,
> MTU size, etc. Over time, 'vwire' could evolve to a digital "channel
> simulator" or even a "link emulator", similar to 'dummynet' for
> example which was/is used by m0n0wall and pfSense (primarily to
> implement traffic shaping/policing though).
> The description
> comes very close to what I am trying to setup on my OpenBSD laptop as
> a physical OpenBSD host, in order to emulate a network with several
> virtual OpenBSD machines as guests using qemu (e.g. a bunch of P, PE
> and CE routers of a MPLS network that uses lossy wireless links).
> Are you aware of anyone who may already work on an equivalent of
> 'wire_filter' and/or 'dummynet' in OpenBSD which connect bridges over
> virtual wires?  Or do you have recommendations which existing
> pseudo-device(s) I should study first to get me started in the right
> direction with 'vwire'?
> Thank you,
> Rolf

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