With snapshots I follow this line : 1) download latest bsd.rd and place it in /
2) reboot and boot from bsd.rd 3) choose (U)pgrade 4) after upgrade reboot 5) # sysmerge -s your_favorite_mirror/etcXX.tgz -x your_favorite_mirror/xetcXX.tgz 6) sometimes reboot sometimes no change so no reboot 7) sudo pkg_add -vu I'm doing it for around 2 years and no data loss in /home or any other part of system and my config files are ok. I tested this even when upgrading from eg. 4.5 to 4.6, but of course that in both cases you must read current.hml in first case and upgradeXX.html in second case On Tue, Dec 22, 2009 at 2:23 AM, David Shuman <d.shu...@att.net> wrote: > It appears there are issues and processes that require > the maintenance of config files and the like after an > upgrade of OpenBSD. B As I am relatively new to this > process I intend to create two directories in my home > directory to keep copies of all my alterations to > OpenBSD. I hope these will assist me in the upgrade > process and protect me from loss of data/etc as I > understand the home directories are protected from > changes during the recovery process. B If anyone > can point out the limitations or additional > considerations related to this process I would > appreciate the guidance. B (I have made some > significant post install changes to Comixwall that > was based on OpenBSD 4.3 a while ago. B However, > I have never seriously considered assuring I could > upgrade an OpenBSD system. B As I am now > considering significant and long term use I need to > plan for this event.) > > One directory will contain modifications > /home/{userid}/chgusr B B B where > /home/{userid}/chgusr/etc/rc.local > B B {80x50 console changes) > /home/{userid}/chgusr/etc/X11/xorg.conf > B B {modified due to difficult hardware) > > Another directory will contain additions > /home/{userid}/addusr > (djbdns a bind replacement may be in here) > where the subdirectories are the locations the > content was added to OpenBSD. B I am hoping > this content can be copied after an update as > it is not a part of OpenBSD making upgrades > easier for me. > > Thanks for considering and assisting in advance. > > -- http://www.openbsd.org/lyrics.html