Hello, We are introducing you to our unique search engine placement technology, which can get BILLBOARD OF YOUR WEBSITE ON TOP OF ALL MAJOR SEARCH ENGINES (Google, Yahoo, Bing), framing above all your competitors!
Our technology gives you following advantages among others: - Exclusive Top Placement on most of well known Search Engines for 1 year - Exclusive Keyword registration (no competition with others, only you own keyword) - No Pay Per Click fees (you don't pay every time someone visits your website, you only pay fixed rate annually) - Highest possible visibility (once you register with us, your website will be seen on more than 30 most known search engines). Technology introduction can be viewed here <http://www./demo.html> To see step by step ONLINE DEMO you can do following: 1. Go to <http://www.netbannerads.com/onlinedemo.html> 2. Enter your URL <http://www.devguide.net> where indicated: <http://www...> 3. Enter your keyword - and click VIEW ONLINE DEMO! If you are interested in our services or need to know more, contact us by phone (877) 803-9662 or request quote here <http://www.netbannerads.com/getaquote.html>... You can also email us back to customerserv...@netbannerads.com and our representatives will kindly guide you through our technology and terms. We look forward to your response. Sincerely, Net Banner Ads http://www.netbannerads.com --- Confidentiality Information Warning: The information contained in this e-mail is intended for the use of the entity or individual named above. If the reader of this e-mail is not the intended recipient, employee or agent responsible for delivering it to the recipient, any transfer, dissemination, publication or copying of this email is prohibited without the consent of netbannerads.com, If you have received this e-mail in error, please notify us by return e-mail or forward this email to unsubscr...@netbannerads.com