Jonathan Thornburg <> wrote:

> For example, 2 years ago I set up a home firewall using a 1GB
> Kingston CF card.  For precisely the reasons Nick Holland outlined,
> I used a standard OpenBSD install (done by plugging the CF card into
> a USB-to-CF adaptor and then connecting the USB to my laptop).

That is the easiest way to do it.  After the install, reboot your
laptop, mount the root filesystem on the CF, change sd to wd in
/etc/fstab, and make sure a serial console is set up.  Then plug
the CF into your Soekris.

> I'm sure that original CF card would *eventually* fail if I kept it in
> service long enough...

Or some other hardware component.  Or more likely, the whole system
becomes obsolete first.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                

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