I know that a filesystem in unix just exists wherever it exists (i.e.
it's 'identity' is its mountpoint), but I find it extremely handy with
ext* and FAT filesystems to be able to give every volume its own name.
I was just living with not being able to do this on OpenBSD,  just
discovered dumpfs(8) and noticed a "volname" property snuck in at the
end. It doesn't seem like newfs(8) or tunefs(8) let me set this at
all, but (and you may find this vain) is there any secret tool that
lets me edit these other properties, or an explanation of why they
aren't exposed at least?

$ dumpfs /media/Audio | head -n 22
magic   11954 (FFS1)    time    Wed Dec  9 20:49:01 2009
id      [ 48c43640 cb8f7499 ]
cylgrp  dynamic inodes  4.4BSD  fslevel 3
ncg     2356    ncyl    2356    size    244192000       blocks  240328133
bsize   16384   shift   14      mask    0xffffc000
fsize   2048    shift   11      mask    0xfffff800
frag    8       shift   3       fsbtodb 2
minfree 5%      optim   time    symlinklen 60
maxbpg  4096    maxcontig 1     contigsumsize 0
nbfree  11274402        ndir    4728    nifree  61162329        nffree  9186
cpg     1       bpg     12958   fpg     103664  ipg     25984
nindir  4096    inopb   128     nspf    4       maxfilesize     1126174852055039
sbsize  2048    cgsize  16384   cgoffset 0      cgmask  0xffffffff
csaddr  1648    cssize  38912
rotdelay 0ms    rps     60      interleave 1
nsect   414656  npsect  414656  spc     414656
sblkno  8       cblkno  16      iblkno  24      dblkno  1648
cgrotor 2183    fmod    0       ronly   0       clean   1
avgfpdir 64     avgfilesize 16384
flags   updated
fsmnt   /media/Audio
volname         swuid   0
^ empty??


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