I have some output from the serial port but it is completely nonsensical
which points to mem corruption or bad dma or something.  I farted around
with IPI to see if the error was at that level but could not find
anything.  Also tried some other things that I suspected were biting the
Dell R610 but alas they were unrelated but with the same symptoms.

The only thing I know for certain after last week's reboot fest is that
I am more frustrated with the darn box...

I'll look at it some more in the future.

On Sun, Dec 06, 2009 at 10:26:15PM -0500, Daniel Ouellet wrote:
> Marco Peereboom wrote:
>> I did test i386 on it and that seemed to work ok but I did not run it
>> for more than a few builds.  amd64 UP seems fine too.
> For the i386.mp or single kernel, it does run fine. I run it for two  
> years so far no problem. The i386.mp needed to be rebooted twice with  
> 4.6 on it in the few months. I put the 4.6 on July 4 on it when it was  
> tag as 4.6 and run ever sense no problem other then 2 reboot, but  
> doesn't look to be related to the same issue. Before that, it ran well  
> and I have them for 3= years by now no problem what so ever.
> I ran amd64 as well well, only the mp give problem in the last 3 years.
> Just can't get a ddb output to get more details.
>> These machines are of questionable quality.  Theo has one that will
>> crash just sitting at the boot prompt.
> With the amd64.mp, yes it will crash at the boot prompt, it simply need  
> to access the drive a little and will go south, but does run well for  
> years on if the kernel is not installed. I used them on pretty heavy  
> database for years on well as long as I agree to either use amg64 and  
> let go of the extra core on both cpu's or run the i386 and I am fine.
> Only one time so far did I get a bit more output on the console, but I  
> can't say what it was and couldn't get a screen shut at the time. I can  
> only recall something in regards to initializing the second cpu or  
> something in these lines, but it shouldn't be consider as valid feedback  
> as I sadly simply can't recall the output well to be of any value. I  
> only kind of recall that, but take it as such, not more weight should be  
> given to that part.
> The only way I can get more output on the console is if I let it reboot  
> constantly and watch it, sometime it will crash and giv more details on  
> the console and freeze there, and some time it will freeze for may be 5  
> or 10 minutes and reboot then. So, if I see it, I can grab it, but most  
> of the time it just reboot all the time as soon as it gets to the line 
> with
> /dev/rsd0a: file system is clean; not checking
> but 1 out of may be 40 times, +- 10 I guess it will crash a bit later  
> and give more on the console and if you are lucky, you will get more  
> output. However in all cases, it's not possible to get ddb, or trace or  
> anything out of the console what so ever. I tried many times without  
> success yet. Put different bios, different ilom, with raid or not, etc.  
> All the same results.
> Not much help I know, but that's all I have got so far.
> May be a one second wait at each step pass that may give more, but  
> that's just a stupid idea I guess.

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