On Thu, 3 Dec 2009 02:24:18 -0800
Paul <pa...@rawbw.com> wrote:

> > I even tried using the pf.conf file listed in that
> > file (while making changes to suit my configuration)... no dice.
> > 
> First, I would double check the pf rules.  One way is to have pf log packets 
> that get blocked and then run tcpdump on the pflog0 interface:
> #tcpdump -e -i pflog0
> When the -e flag is used on plog0, tcpdump will print the interface on which 
> the packet arrived and the reason for dropping it.  If something shows up for 
> enc0, then the pf rules aren't right.
> In addition to these rules (taken from tutorial you referenced):
>         # Passing in traffic from the designated subnets.
>         pass in  quick on enc0 from $NETWORK_A to $NETWORK_B
>         pass out quick on enc0 from $NETWORK_B to $NETWORK_A
> you might add this to each pf.conf on the gateways:
>       pass in on enc0 from $REMOTE_GATEWAY to $LOCAL_GATEWAY keep state 
> (if-bound)
> Though this rule doesn't seem necessary, it has made my implementations work. 
>  I'd be curious to know if it solves your problem.
> ( According to the enc(4) man page, rules on the enc0 interface should 
> explicity declare state as interface bound, e.g., 'keep state (if-bound)' ).
> Also, for debugging, you might try to simplify you ipsec.conf and just set up 
> one tunnel to protect traffic between the two 192.168 networks. Basically, 
> reduce the ipsec.conf files to this:
> obsd-ipsec-left:
> ike passive esp from to peer
> obsd-ipsec-right:
> ike esp from to peer

Hello Paul, could you please help with this? Laptop connecting to a myplace.org 
server, passing by a natted D-Link router. Both OBSD-4.6. pf=NO

ipsec.conf server in my place.org:
ike passive esp from myplace.org to peer

Client (anywhere outside):
ike esp from to myplace.org peer

How to declare and/or any; into /etc/isakmpd/pubkeys? and where?
I have tried naming it in ipv4, and any in fqdn, but it is not 


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