On Wed, 2 Dec 2009 09:28:15 +0000, FRLinux wrote: >On Wed, Dec 2, 2009 at 2:06 AM, Rod Whitworth <glis...@witworx.com> wrote: >> You need to do a little more study on IPv6. >> Besides that my hands are not up to punching out long stories....... ;) >> Oh and please don't CC me. I AM on the list and I cannot read an email >> with each eye ;)) > >Thanks :) >Steph > Yeah, I think you show signs of being capable of learning with just a few hints to point you in the right direction.
OpenBSD has great documentation. the FAQ and manpages are second to none and the mailing list archives let you see where others stuffed up and they save you asking a question that was answered, recently in many cases. Go for it. Your address implies a Linux connection. I was an IBM Linux instructor until a little while after I got into OpenBSD. The mantra of "Correct code is likely to be secure code." and the quality manpages won me over. Best regards, Rod/ (Now don't let me down!) *** NOTE *** Please DO NOT CC me. I <am> subscribed to the list. Mail to the sender address that does not originate at the list server is tarpitted. The reply-to: address is provided for those who feel compelled to reply off list. Thankyou. Rod/ --- This life is not the real thing. It is not even in Beta. If it was, then OpenBSD would already have a man page for it.