We craft our lead generation programs for tech companies and complex-sale businesses to expand sales pipelines and increase revenues. Markets served by our firm cross over I.T. Infrastructure, Applications, and Services. We've touched base with you a few times this year and I wanted to send you this year-end note with more information on Sales Staff Corp.
Our firm operates an inside sales team staffed with experienced sales professionals from I.T. and Services backgrounds. We customize a prospecting plan around your target market and value proposition to generate actionable opportunities in the form of in-person sales appointments and web demos for your sales team. You Pay for Performance only - 30 Day Test Pilots - 4th Quarter Promo Available Learn more at http://www.thesalesstaff.com/LeadGeneration.html or Reply Now for more information on our Pay-Per-Meeting Test Pilot options. Regards, Donna Thompson Marketing Coordinator THE SALES STAFF 888-591-8022, Ext. 333 http://www.thesalesstaff.com/ ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- --- Sent to m...@openbsd.org. To remove yourself from future mailings, copy and paste the following address into a web browser: http://www.enterprisemailer.net/public/unsubscribe.aspx?q=UR9W1fEVwkbeENxs04L aNAn%2bB%2b%2fz1zVYzXdcmlVMjmZ4QZYdeHKPGkRhZDGwX8KU The Sales Staff, LLC 935 Eldridge Houston, TX 77478