> > I know, 4.6 has been out for a while now... However, I run 4.5
> (i386) on a pair of very heavily used load balancers (relayd), and
> due to some customer requirements I would need some statistics
> (traffic, etc).
> >
> > I thought of using Net-SNMP, but a guy in IRC told me that in
> OpenBSD 4.5 it is broken? I search on the mailing lists, but didn't
> find mails regarding to this.
> >
> > However, does anybody know if there's a problem on 4.5? If there
> is some problem, is it fixed on 4.6?
> >
> > Best regards and please excuse my bad english,
> >
> > Donald
> It should generally work in 4.5 but it's rather fragile
> software. 4.6 has the same version as 4.5. Rather than
> asking some guy on IRC, who might be remembering details
> about an earlier version, maybe on a certain specific
> arch, it's better to try it for yourself.

I'll compile it from ports, I guess (see previous eMail).

> If snmpd from the base OS gives you everything you need,
> it's generally better to use that. It's more robust. Not sure
> when it was added, but relayd now has integration with base
> snmpd for sending traps too.

Do you have a link for me? I think pf stats should be sufficient in my case.


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