On 11/15/09, Hou Ruoyu <phoenix...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Here are return info from trace and ps:
> ddb>trace
> cpu_switchto(d081f394,d0be5000,d09e9f18,d035f36d,d0be5000) at
> cpu_switchto+0x76
> cfdata(d0be5000,d0be5000,0,d09e9f20,100) at cfdata+0x4434
> config_attach(0,d0818080,0,0,d0821a38) at config_attach+0xfd
> config_rootfound(d070b6f7,0,d09e9fa0,d0349ad9,2) at config_rootfound+0x27
> main(0,0,0,0,0) at main+0x4af
> ddb>ps
>    PID   PPID   PGRP   UID  S       FLAGS  WAIT       COMMAND
>      8      0      0     0  2    0x100200             pfpurge
>      7      0      0     0  2    0x100200             pcic0,0,1
>      6      0      0     0  2    0x100200             pcic0,0,0
>      5      0      0     0  2    0x100200             apm0
>      4      0      0     0  2    0x100200             syswq
>      3      0      0     0  2    0x100200             idle0
>      2      0      0     0  2    0x100200             kmthread
> *    1      0      0     0  7           0             swapper
>      0     -1      0     0  3     0x80200  wdccmd     swapper
> My disk was partioned as follows:
> 1120MB as / and set bootable
> 80MB as swap
> remaining 340+MB was FAT32 and mounted as /MSDOS.
> Regards,
> 2009/11/15 Hou, Ruoyu <phoenix...@gmail.com>:
>> I am trying to install OpenBSD 4.6 on a old Libretto 70CT. The
>> installation
> was finished without error but stuck at rebooting.

This has been an issue for a while see:


I've not had time to work out where the problem is but it occurred
between 4.3 and 4.4 OpenBSD.


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