Greetings, I have an 802.11 card with a rum chipset on 4.6-release. The man page says this card does monitor mode. I've been trying to make it sniff packets on an open wireless network using tcpdump. I can't get it to work. Here is what I have tried:
ifconfig rum0 media OFDM36 mode 11g mediaopt monitor up That command seems to place the device into monitor mode as ifconfig then displays this: media: IEEE802.11 OFDMG36 mode 11g monitor status: active But tcpdump does not see packets other than my own. Here is how I've been using tcpdump: tcpdump -i rum0 -tttt -s1514 It's been ages since I've sniffed 802.11 traffic. Can someone whack me with the cluestick? I can send a dmesg or the entire output of ifconfig if needed. Thanks, Thomas