On Sat, 2009-10-31 at 09:00 -0500, Jacob Yocom-Piatt wrote:

> - when you reboot, the boot process will 'fail' and dump you to shell 
> since sd1 is not unlocked as part of the boot process
> - at a shell do the following to get your disk rollin: bioctl -c C -l 
> /dev/sd0b softraid0, enter passphrase, issue 'fsck -fp && exit' if you 
> had a dirty shutdown otherwise just type exit
> - normal boot resumes and you've got your machine running with 
> everything but root encrypted

I just configure an old laptop with three partitions in it:

wd0a for /
wd0b for swap
wd0d for RAID

I created the partitions for the rest of the system into the softraid
device during the install process and everything was fine. I really
don't notice any performance problem using the laptop as usually do
(check email, surf the net, etc...) but it is a pain in the ass the boot
process going to the shell every time and need to type: bioctl -c C
-l /dev/wd0d

Is it possible to add the bioctl line in some file with the objective to
not write that line all the times? (rc file??) The idea is just to get
the passphrase question before continue the normal boot. If it is
possible...where? I mean, the rc file is very important and I don't want
to fuck the boot process putting the line in the wrong place...



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