Thanks, John and Michiel,

On Thu, 29.10.2009 at 14:02:27 +0100, Michiel van Baak <> 
> On 12:18, Thu 29 Oct 09, Toni Mueller wrote:
> > I'm running kvm 85+dfsg-4~bpo5 and see the following interesting
> > behaviour with OpenBSD 4.6:
> > 
> > * /bsd.rd runs just fine, using the ne(4) driver, but
> > * /bsd (the uni-processor kernel) locks up hard during, or just
> >   after booting, showing "ne3: timeout" (or similar) messages
> >   white-on-blue in between.
> > 
> > Any ideas about what specifically to ask the "Linux folks", please?
> Set the nic to e1000 in KVM

but this was not successful, either. I got a bunch of:

em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting


"No DHCPOFFERS received."

After having booted to completion (the "login:" prompt appears), the
machine. I've now run the VM with a VNC display, and on that, I can see
that the machine spews out a large number of

em0: watchdog timeout -- resetting

messages, and then locks up.

Kind regards,

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