2009/10/30 TomC!E! BodE>C!r <tomas.bod...@gmail.com>:
> When I use this file
> http://damien.bergamini.free.fr/packages/openbsd/iwn-firmware-5.1p0.tgz
> which was mentioned in older versions of this man page then everything
> is ok.
> So is it problem of my card that it can't use 5.2 version of firmware
> or typo in man page? From quick overview I think that 5.2 version is
> for new supported models 1000 and 6000 and for other versions is 5.1p0
> still valid firmware.

you must use the right firmware for your iwn(4) driver release; use
version 5.1p0 with OpenBSD 4.6, and 5.2 with -current. alternatively,
you may be interested in backporting the iwn(4) changes to 4.6, but i
do not see why you want to spend your time doing that. if you are
interested in the new firmware release, use -current instead.

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