Put the sensitive files in a pseudo-device vnd and then delete it.
2009/10/28 Jan Stary <h...@stare.cz>:
> On Oct 27 16:12:54, Jordi Espasa Clofent wrote:
>> $ dd if=/dev/urandom of=<disk_to_delete>
>> $ dd if=/deb/zero of=<disk_to_delete>
>> ?Do you think is it safe enough? I mean ?is it enough against the common
>> recovery low-level data tools?
> Could we please stop this thread now and never bring it back? Thank you.
> (1) Your data is not that interesteing to anyone. Nobody cares about
> the data on your wiped disks and nobody will ever spend any
> resources trying to read it.
> (2) If you think you work with data that is so sensitive (which it isn't),
> then you surely have the money needed to buy a new disk. Just
> destroy the old disk and be done with it. (You can even have fun
> doing it.)
> (3) If you simultaneously
> (a) work with sensitive data that cryptoaliens might be interested in
> (b) don't have the money to buy a new disk
> then just dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sd0c
> which _is_ enough; nobody ever recovered jack shit from this,
> and never will, period.
> (4) If you come accross a slashdot article that says that with a million
> dollars and loads of time to spend you _can_ recover a byte here and
> there, don't mail it to nobody.