Take a look at www.mindrot.org/projects/flashboot It builds a minimal ramdisk based bsd.gz of around ~6MB
You can customize the install script and get whatever binaries you need in there, just read the README file. It will take some tinkering but you should be able to get what you want with this build system J On Sun, Oct 25, 2009 at 4:10 PM, Abdullah Sendul <coffeesm...@gmail.com>wrote: > Hi, > > we are having a couple of openbsd servers, of which, the content is static. > > I would like to identify all the files needed for this system to run, > and then move it to a flash disk to minimise the size of the > distribution > > find -mtime -atime is giving me some ideas, but is this the right > approach to remove the rest of the files not used on the system. > > what do you suggest? > > thanks > > \sendul