Brad Tilley wrote: > On Wed, Oct 21, 2009 at 1:45 PM, John Cosimano <> > wrote: > > i seem to remember a thread here on misc@ that was meant to be a tmux > > guide for experienced screen users. > > One thing that screen got right is the A key. It's a lot closer > to Ctrl than B. So far, key proximity has been my only > annoyance. I'm guessing that can be customized.
Try this for inspiration: set -g default-command zsh set -g status-right "#(statusbar_right)" # Statusbar properties. set -g display-time 3000 set -g status-bg black set -g status-fg cyan set-window-option -g window-status-current-attr bright,reverse set-window-option -g window-status-current-bg cyan set-window-option -g window-status-current-fg black # Use c-t instead of c-b as the prefix unbind C-b set -g prefix C-t bind C-t send-prefix bind t send-prefix # Bind function keys. bind -n F1 select-window -t 1 bind -n F2 select-window -t 2 bind -n F3 select-window -t 3 bind -n F4 select-window -t 4 bind -n F5 select-window -t 5 bind -n F6 select-window -t 6 bind -n F7 select-window -t 7 bind -n F8 select-window -t 8 # All new windows started at startup. new "emacs --daemon" neww irssi neww mutt neww neww neww neww neww select-window -t 1 # Han