ahhh. Nick, you should not be depending on mirrors to run cvsync to do that.

Every time you pull the repository from me you should afterwards run a

cvscan -c /etc/cvsyncd.conf

which recreates the file correctly every time.


2009/10/19 Nick Holland <n...@holland-consulting.net>:
> naddy@ told me the solution...
> cvsync keeps what it calls a "scanfile", apparently tracking what versions
> it has of what files.  The file is specified in the cvsync config file you
> use when you run cvsync.  In my case, it was about 14M in size.  Rename
> file, and re-run cvsync, it will recreate the file.  This run will probably
> take a little longer, but it fixed my problem nicely.  Naddy@ indicated
> you may need to delete the gnu/gcc directory as well, but I don't seem to
> have needed to do that.
> It is POSSIBLE some mirrors might have this problem, in which case the
> mirror operator will need to do that, but "my" mirror (obsd.cec.mtu.edu)
> seems to have no cvsync problems itself, just my local copy was messed up.
> Nick.
> Nick Holland wrote:
>> Emilio Perea wrote:
>>> There seems to be a problem with CVSync updates (at least
>>> anoncvs1.usa.openbsd.org and anoncvs3.usa.openbsd.org).  I believe this
>>> started about the time a large number of changes to gcc were made.
>>> After updating the tree with csup, run cvsync:
>> I'm seeing a problem, too, starting evening of Oct 15:
>> ...
>>  Create src/gnu/gcc/fixincludes/tests/base/time.h,v
>>  Create src/gnu/gcc/fixincludes/tests/base/tinfo.h,v
>>  Mkdir src/gnu/gcc/fixincludes/tests/base/types
>> Failed
>> (and failures ever since)
>> However, my upstream mirror (which I help manage :) is not showing
>> an error, and has been happily cvsyncing before and after.
>> I'm still investigating what is going on...I'm guessing something
>> got partly synced, and may need to be fixed somewhere, but not sure
>> where yet.  I'm doing some testing, but it will take a while to
>> give me any clues...
>> Nick.
>>> ----- Forwarded message from Cron Daemon <r...@hermes.walkereng.com>
>>> -----
>>> Date: 18 Oct 2009 13:30:01 -0000
>>> From: Cron Daemon <r...@hermes.walkereng.com>
>>> To: epe...@hermes.walkereng.com
>>> Subject: Cron <epe...@hermes> /home/eperea/Bin/cvsupdate
>>> Starting /home/eperea/Bin/cvsupdate: Sun Oct 18 08:30:01 CDT 2009
>>> Connecting to anoncvs3.usa.openbsd.org port 7777
>>> Connected to port 7777
>>> Running...
>>> Updating (collection openbsd/rcs)
>>> /open/anoncvs/cvs/ports/databases/py-storm/patches/patch-test,v: No such
>>> file or directory
>>> Socket Error: send: Broken pipe
>>> Mux(SEND) Error: send
>>> FileScan(RCS): UPDATE
>>> /open/anoncvs/cvs/ports/devel/gconf-editor/Makefile,v
>>> FileScan: RCS Error
>>> Socket Error: recv: Connection reset by peer
>>> Receiver Error: recv
>>> Mux(RECV) Error: not running: 1
>>> Updater: RCS Error
>>> Mux(SEND) Error: not running: 0
>>> DirScan: RCS Error
>>> Failed
>>> Finished updating cvs: Sun Oct 18 08:30:33 CDT 2009
>>> ----- End forwarded message -----
>>> Csup still runs without errors:
>>> ----- Forwarded message from Cron Daemon <r...@hermes.walkereng.net>
>>> -----
>>> Date: 18 Oct 2009 13:45:01 -0000
>>> From: Cron Daemon <r...@hermes.walkereng.net>
>>> To: epe...@hermes.walkereng.net
>>> Subject: Cron <epe...@hermes> /home/eperea/Bin/old.cvsupdate
>>> Starting /home/eperea/Bin/cvsupdate: Sun Oct 18 08:45:01 CDT 2009
>>> Connected to
>>> Updating collection OpenBSD-all/cvs
>>>  Append to CVSROOT/ChangeLog
>>>  Append to CVSROOT/ChangeLog.37
>>>  Append to CVSROOT/val-tags
>>>  Edit ports/infrastructure/build/libtool,v
>>> Finished successfully
>>> Finished updating cvs: Sun Oct 18 08:47:56 CDT 2009
>>> ----- End forwarded message -----

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