
Thanks for your explaination! Actually i should have understood it also
from the manpage, probably i need to start to pay attention when reading
:) I tried it out on the very same setup which i used describing my
situation and it behaves exactly as you said it would. Thanks again!


Marco Pfatschbacher wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 06, 2009 at 11:22:11PM +0300, Imre Oolberg wrote:
>> Hallo!
>> I have used carp ip-stealth balancing for only pass and block rules with
>> two openbsd 4.5 firewalls and https server quite successfully, like this
> Hi,
> finally someone who got IP balancing to work :)
>>            to  isp router is firewalls' default gw
>>                   |--carp0--|    carp0:
>>                  _|_       _|_
>>            FW1  |   |     |   |  FW2
>>                 |___|     |___|
>>                   |--carp1--|   carp1:
>>                   |         |
>>       ----|-------|---------|------|---
>>           |                        |
>>          _|_                      _|_
>>         |   |     |   |
>>         |___| https server       |___| http server
>> Carp interfaces are created with definitions like this (on the other
>> firewall 1:100,2:0 -> 1:0,2:100)
>> inet carpnodes \
>>   1:100,2:0 balancing ip-stealth pass xxx carpdev em0
>> inet carpnodes \
>>   3:100,4:0 balancing ip-stealth pass yyy carpdev em1
>> And the problem arrives when i add second server (http) and trying to
>> use rdr rules rewriting ip address, essential rules are
>> rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp to port 8080 tag TO_HTTP \
>>   -> port 80
>> rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp to port 80 tag TO_HTTP \
>>   -> port 80
> Carp IP balancing does its load distribution with a simple hash
> over the source and destination IP address.
> So in general doing any sort of address rewrite (nat, rdr)
> can mess things up, because the return packet will be handled
> by the other node.
> And stateful filtering and asymmetric routing are not good friends.
> However, in your case there might be a workaround.
> The carp hash function does a:   (src ^ dst) % number_of_nodes
> to decide which node accepts the packet.
> Since you only have 2 nodes, it is all just a matter of an
> odd or even result.
> If you change your https servers' IP to an odd one (eg
> your rdr rule would become:
>  rdr on $ext_if inet proto tcp to port 80 tag TO_HTTP \
>    -> port 80
> This way, the packet hash after the rdr will be equal to the
> one before.
>> pass in quick on $ext_if inet tagged TO_HTTP
>> pass in quick on $ext_if inet proto tcp to port 443 \
>>   tag TO_HTTP
>> pass out quick on $int_if inet tagged TO_HTTP
>> So the problem is i cant figure out why first rdr works and the second
>> rdr does not.
> The first one only rewrites the tcp port, not the IP address.
> HTH,
>     Marco

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