Hi, thanks everyone for the information, this helps give me an idea of
the scope and effort involved in getting OpenBGPd onto Linux. I'll
look at the OpenSSH project to see how the portability is added
without cluttering up the OpenBSD code.

Also I am sorry, I did not mean to imply that OpenBGPd is not in a
source control system or released frequently. I was referring to the
quick and dirty Linux port I mentioned which is just in tarball form.
Kudos to those who did that porting work because it allows Linux users
to at least play around with OpenBGPd a bit but I was just trying to
see if there was a more organized and source-controlled effort yet to
work on OpenBGPd porting to non-BSD systems.


On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 5:09 PM, Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de> wrote:
> * Barry Friedman <friedman.ba...@gmail.com> [2009-10-12 19:52]:
>> Hi, I'm looking at open source BGP implementations for possible use on
>> a Linux-based system. I'm interested in OpenBGPd and I understand that
>> it's part of OpenBSD but in the application that I'm looking at the
>> only choice I am given is Linux. My questions are:
>> Are there any projects to create an OpenBGPd implementation that is
>> portable and separate from OpenBSD? I'm aware of quick-n-dirty "ports"
>> like http://wiki.version6.net/openbgpd but was wondering more formal
>> projects to create a full-featured and portable implementation that is
>> more like a true open source project (ie. on a public source control
>> server with open forums, mailing lists, bug reporting, frequent
>> releases, etc).
> I am not aware of any portable efforts.
> I portable would have to be done OpenSSH-style. We don't want the
> clutter in our tree.
> the code already is in a "publich source control server" (any openbsd
> anoncvs has it), the openbsd mailing lists suffice, as does the
> openbsd PR database. and there's a release every 6 months, pretty
> frequent i'd say.
>> Is the current OpenBGPd development team an open team in which anyone
>> may contribute patches, or is it a closed team?
> patches are welcome from pretty much anybody. in fact, if you read the
> changelog you'll find a lot of diffs from people withour openbsd cvs
> accounts committed by claudio or me.
>> If there was a porting effort, could the changes be incorporated into
>> the existing project, or would a portable OpenBGPd need to be a
>> separate project?
> openssh style
> --
> Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
> BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
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