Jorge Enrique Valbuena Vargas wrote:

Take a look at :

Maybe it can help !

On Thu, Oct 1, 2009 at 3:52 PM, AG <> wrote:


I want to download via ftp, but am unable to do so.  I believe that it
would have something to do with my pf.conf file in my firewall, so have
listed that below.

The installation was from the 3.6 CD set and barebones to be a headless firewall. I don't recall if I enabled a ftp-proxy to be installed at that time. I'm not even sure whether I enabled if the ports system was installed. I regret to say that I never kept notes and because it has been such an absolute workhorse reliable 24/7 for the last years, I have largely forgotten all about it. So, how do I confirm that I have the ftp-proxy already installed? I'm used to Debian on a daily basis, so is the OBSD way to check for an installed app to run, as root (or sudo): pkg-src ftp-proxy

From the documentation you helpfully pointed me to, it seems that what I am looking at changing in the firewall settings to enable me to download from ftp sites is to:

1. set up a ftp proxy on the firewall
2. add the lines to the NAT section (suggested on the FTP page you sign-posted)
3. anchor it in the rules section of pf.conf (as from the same source as #2)

& I note that this can be done on the fly so that I need not reboot. Nice :-)

Thanks a lot.  I'll give it a go.


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