Hi Stan,

OUr company was bought out a while back, and the new oweres are changing
pretty much everryhting. This includes changing external access from a
Cisco VPN to a "Microsoft" VPN. Can anyone here give me a pinter to where I
can get information on this?

What I want to be able to do is use my OpenBSD firwall at home to VPN on to

If you want use IPSec, you can use Windows 2003 or 2008. The implementation on W2K8 needs some patches to work out. You can do it even if the Windows machine is going to be the central hub for the VPN.

If you are interested, I have the following setups:
1) XP -> Internet -> OpenBSD -> LAN
2) LAN <-> OpenBSD <-> Internet <-> OpenBSD <-> LAN
3) XP -> Internet -> W2K3 / W2K8
4) Other variants are also possible

All of them use IPSec.

A few months ago I sent a message regarding this subject. You can read the conversation at http://www.mail-archive.com/misc@openbsd.org/msg74592.html.


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