Edd Barrett <vex...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I have located someone willing to sell me an X41 tablet at a very
> affordable price, however this is the model with the sucky hitachi
> disk. I have seen that you can get SSD adaptors for X41's and slap an
> SSD in there,

Careful, even with an adapter you can only fit a drive with a PATA
("IDE") interface, _not_ a SATA one.

> a) Is there anywhere you can get SSD's for cheaper than 100GBP. I only
> really need 60GB or so.

The Mtron MSD-PATA3018 that is very popular for fitting into the
X40/X41 only ships with 32 GB and is already at ~1.5 times that

> b) Any other comments?

I don't think there is any SSD available that (1) can be fitted
into an X40/X41, (2) is available in 64 GB or more, and (3) has
reasonable performance for small random writes.

It's frustrating as hell.

Christian "naddy" Weisgerber                          na...@mips.inka.de

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