On 2009-09-13, Toni Mueller <openbsd-m...@oeko.net> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 19.08.2009 at 09:37:26 +0200, Alexander von Gernler 
> <gr...@pestilenz.org> wrote:
>> This means that the mirror won't be available for a longer period of
>> time before I can bring it back online.  I will reflect this situation
>> on the respective www pages very soon, just giving you a heads-up via
>> mail now.
> any progess on this?
> I liked the Erlangen mirror for its comparably liberal access policy.
> Eg. when I try to install some package and it doesn't work on the first
> attempt, I often find myself locked out from a given mirror on
> subsequent attempts, presumably because the sense a "denial of service
> attack". It can take quite some time to gain access to the host in
> question again. :-(

If you're using ftp (particularly via ftp-proxy, which mangles the
telnet abort sequence) try http instead.

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