* frantisek holop <min...@obiit.org> [2009-08-31 20:27]:
> hi there,
> i found this interesting article
> http://www.renesys.com/blog/2009/08/staring-into-the-gorge.shtml
> i am not a bgp user so i would be grateful if someone
> answered how openbsd's bgpd handles the described problem.
> thanks,

executive summary:
1) missing/bad input verification leads to session drops

not much you can do but being paranoid about every input. we do as
much verification as we can. unfortunately the bgp rfcs are often ...
bad or ambiguous, and require you to drop sessions. but we do what we
can here.

2) the issue is amplified by every router on the planet forwarding the
"weird" packet.

nothing we can do about that - this is how bgp works. well, see 3),
helps a bit.

3) session flap dampening could mitigate the amplification a bit, but
nobody implements it

nobody? in a small village called openbgpd we've done that from day #1
on, and there is no button to disable it. i actually had the flap
dampening in my first prototype that couldn't do anything with update
messages but drop them.

Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
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