obvvbooo obvvbooo wrote:
> Hi,
> For kinds of reasons, my disk is partitionized like this:
> 1st partition is for Windows system(Primary)
> 2nd is for OpenBSD(Primary)
> 3rd is Windows extended partition(Extended)
> 4th is originally not used, now I created a new one and mark it as
> "A6".(Primary)
> Question is after I created the 4th partition, I can get the partition
> information using fdisk, but can't see anything using disklabel. How do I
> use the 4th partition? Will it be helpful if I just reformat it to fat32 or
> ext3?

this really isn't a supported config.  You aren't supposed to have more
than one A6 partition on a disk.  It can probably be made to work, and
it may present you with no problems, but IF SOMEDAY an upgrade or some
other event developers didn't develop for causes your data to go bye-bye,
remember, you were warned.

Using the 'b' option of disklabel will probably let you redefine the
OpenBSD boundaries to include the entire disk.  You can now manually
define a disklabel partition that starts and ends completely within your
new partition.  Disklabel won't give you a lot of help here, you will
probably have to do some math, and it may involve more digits than your
desktop calculator supports (find a fourth grader).

(old enough to remember when eight digits was enough for "anything",
though if so, why do 90 year old Comptometers sporting ten digit
addends and 11 digit results, and 80 year old Monroe calculators
that could multiply eight digits by eight digits and NOT overflow?)

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