In gmane.os.openbsd.misc, matecocido <> wrote:
> Hi!
> I wont play a midi file, to do this i follow
> I have OpenBSD 4.5 release.
> when i  try to install TiMidity port, i have a trouble, in particular :
> - before download the source in many places i have:
> "Size does not match for /usr/ports/distfiles/TiMidity++-2.13.2.tar.gz"
> - and in some places (openbsd official mirrors) this file don't exist.
> this is mi log:
> *********************************
>>> TiMidity++-2.13.2.tar.gz doesn't seem to exist on this system.
>>> Fetch 
> 100% |**************************************************|  1806 KB    00:32
>>> Size does not match for /usr/ports/distfiles/TiMidity++-2.13.2.tar.gz

This happens in -current too.

It looks like sourceforge have reorganised things a bit and are now
doing redirects for many (all?) downloads. The "Location" header for
the redirect is URL-encoded; ftp(1) is using the new URL-encoded
filename to save to, so + gets changed to %2B.

So in this case the file is actually being saved correctly (I've
checked; the checksum does match) but with an unexpected name, so the
"cksum -c" done by fails.

Here's a quick workaround so you can build this port: you can
fetch this file into /usr/ports/distfiles yourself, giving it the
expected name (TiMidity++-2.13.2.tar.gz), then you can build the

About fixing it, I think ftp should just use the filename part
of the URL from the command line and not adjust it when there's
a redirect. I think allowing the remote server to change file
name is downright dangerous; "Location: http://blah/.profile";,

The diff below changes to this behaviour; I think this is what's
actually described in the last paragraph of "AUTO-FETCHING FILES"
in ftp(1) so I don't think the manual needs to be changed (but
it probably does warrant a mention in current.html).

Any comments/OKs?

Index: fetch.c
RCS file: /cvs/src/usr.bin/ftp/fetch.c,v
retrieving revision 1.95
diff -u -p -r1.95 fetch.c
--- fetch.c     6 Aug 2009 23:33:35 -0000       1.95
+++ fetch.c     22 Aug 2009 22:01:37 -0000
@@ -732,7 +732,7 @@ again:
-                       rval = url_get(cp, proxyenv, outfile);
+                       rval = url_get(cp, proxyenv, savefile);
                        return (rval);

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