On Thu, Aug 20, 2009 at 6:25 AM, Edd Barrett<vex...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> we have a few problems here too (using TeX Live in both OpenBSD 4.6
>> and -current, on i386 and amd64); i would suggest sending a detailed
>> bug report to the TeX Live developers at this mailing list:

> Ok, we need to consult upstream. Do you want to do that or shall I?

As a followup to all these problem reports, I can offer a success
report: the 'Docbook To Latex Publishing' package (dblatex) installs
easily and seems to produce pdf's just fine from DocBook XML on my
stock off-the-shelf i386 OpenBSD 4.5 box.


No no no, my fish's name is Eric, Eric the fish. He's an halibut. I am
not a looney! Why should I be tarred with the epithet looney merely
because I have a pet halibut?

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