On 2009-08-19, Jeff Ross <jr...@openvistas.net> wrote:
> Marco Peereboom wrote:
>> ZCR is marketing fluff.  It ads nothing.
>> On Wed, Aug 19, 2009 at 04:42:10PM -0600, Jeff Ross wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> I'm due to take delivery tomorrow of a new-to-me SuperMicro 2U server 
>>> with the X5DPA-8GG motherboard.  Onboard is an Adaptec AIC-7902 U320 SCSI 
>>> controller but it also has a ZCR slot.  I'd intended to just use the 
>>> disks as sd0 - sd5, but now I also see on the fleabay that I can get an 
>>> LSI MegaRAID  SCSI 320-0X card for $40.
>>> Is there a huge downside to the ZCR card?  Docs say that it adds RAID to 
>>> the  motherboard based SCSI, and that card is listed under the ami group. 
>>> However, the LSI docs also say it adds RAID to  "a system motherboard 
>>> that has the LSI Logic 53C1020 or 53C1030 SCSI chip." and I see no 
>>> mention of those chips in the SuperMicro motherboard manual.
>> Yeah, it doesn't work for starters.  It basically is software raid so
>> you need driver assist.  Don't fall in this marketing trap.
>>> Anybody know if this will work?  Even if it does work, is the ZCR raid 
>>> worth having?  Based on my previous experience with MegaRAID cards, I 
>>> know I'll need a BBU to get any performance at all so the card isn't 
>>> really $40 but it is still within budget.
>> The LSI U320 card beats the pants of Adaptec but not when used in zero
>> channel.
>>> Thanks as always,
>>> Jeff
>> !DSPAM:4a8c85c2233201476412727!
> Thanks, Marco!
> As always, exactly what I needed to hear.  I've seen some real LSI U320 cards
> on the fleabay at around $100 so I'll just hold out for the real deal.

look carefully at the orientation of the scsi connectors.
there are 320-1 and 320-1LP. both of these are low-profile form factor,
but 320-1 has scsi connectors pointing upwards, 320-1LP has them at
90 degrees. some if not all of the 2U supermicro chassis need that one.
also you probably need to replace the cable. (/me imagines marco is
now wincing at the mention of cables for internal connectors...)

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