(with apologies to Claudio)
Claudio Jeker wrote:
On Tue, Aug 18, 2009 at 08:36:44AM +0200, Nido wrote:
now all banning has been done, can we please return to the subject of
5month release schedule / 1 month scew for this release / quantum flux
making the months be longer / optimised release planning / explanation
for the early date.
I'm not complaining, far from that. but following Wouters and probably
I don't believe it. It's bad enough when this happens in my home nation.
It's wAuters. Cheers.
Dippel I'm just curious to the what and why.
It was all explained at the slackathon. In short some changes now in the
tree and coming need the additional 1 month of this release cycle. 4.7
will be released on the well known date.
Thanks for the update, I hope undeadly makes a fuss of it :-)
The increase in packages and hardware support over the last years has
been way too fast,
I'm still getting over the shock of having OpenOffice & JAVA as a
package :-)
Although it would be useful if we could aim Theo at Adobe (Flash...) and
save the universe 8-)
Actually, better to aim Theo at YouTube and their ilk so they stop using
Flash in the first place.