On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 11:56 AM, Philip Guenther <guent...@gmail.com>wrote:

> On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 2:31 AM, Nice Daemon<nicedae...@googlemail.com>
> wrote:
> ...
> > No, I'm certainly not stupid. I'm just *re*acting (to remind you; in case
> > you are actually able to *read*, you should already know it). People
> > (Henning, Theo) started to bark at me when I asked for help. They didn't
> > provide any help, they just needed someone to throw their words at.
> They told you your config was wrong and pointed at what you did
> provide (ifconfig output) to show that.

Henning barked. The ifconfig output was provided before (in the third
message of the thread).

> I made the mistake of checking with you off-list and helping you find
> what was wrong.  Answer: your hostname.carp0 was wrong.  It didn't
> match any of the templates or examples in the hostname.if(5) manpage.
> So, your assertion that your config was correct was based on an
> incorrect belief.

That is correct. But the point is: Even before you pointed me to this -- and
I thank you very much, again, as I did in my email to you -- I was barked at
(by Henning).

This is the point, just check the archives or your MUA.

> > I don't think that this is normal behaviour, and I don't think that
> people
> > appreciate it being treated like this.
> I don't appreciate helping someone only to have them *continue* to
> rant

I appreciate your help. You were the only one that was talking on a normal

> and fail to describe for the archive what the problem and
> solution were (so much for looking out for other random users).
> Saying "huh, I guess I misread that manpage" would be nice.

I would certainly have done that in case there was no insulting before. But
it was.

Would you say 'Hey, sorry for being late' when you come to a date after you
got nuked by the guy waiting for you? No.

> Some
> would apologize, and I think the better of them for it.

True. But what about the fact that it'd be so easy even to avoid the *need*
of apologies?

Again: I didn't start. This may sound childish, but it's the level this list
operates on.

> Instead,
> you'll not even mention that you got your answer but rather piss in
> the teapot and have the gall to complain about other people's
> attitudes.
> (For those wondering: if you leave off the 'inet' or 'inet6' prefix,
> the parsing of a hostname.if(5) line is probably not what you expect.
> Also, if you want to supply options you must either give *both* a
> netmask and broadcast field (possibly "NONE") or neither.)
> > But don't think that people being insulted will actually give donations
> to
> > you or pay money to buy a CD/DVD set. They will (at max) use your
> software
> > and never return anything back to you (the project) because they know,
> out
> > of their own memories, because they read the list or because they read
> about
> > this on other places, that you will insult them.
> I would rather work with Theo for the rest of my life then deal with
> another email from you.  He's honest.

I'm also honest -- honest in saying what pisses me off. I really like your
opinion and your ability to do 'normal conversations'. However, this last
sentence proves me wrong. You're huffy now. I can understand it, but it
leads you (and Theo) in the wrong direction.

Theo thinks that his developers do it for him. Maybe he doesn't realize it
himself, but in his egomanie this is the root. Rather, the developers do it
for fun, for the project and not to kiss Theo's ass, however much he wishes
this would be the case.

Another time, the world laughs at you.



> Philip Guenther

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