
On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 5:03 PM, Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de>wrote:

> * Nice Daemon <nicedae...@googlemail.com> [2009-08-13 17:00]:
> > On Thu, Aug 13, 2009 at 4:46 PM, Henning Brauer <lists-open...@bsws.de
> >wrote:
> > > * Nice Daemon <nicedae...@googlemail.com> [2009-08-13 16:33]:
> > > > inet xx.yyy.253.225 netmask 0xff000000 broadcast
> (this is
> > > > carp IP in upstream VLAN, AFTER your hint)
> > > it might be after my hint, but you didn't follow my advice.
> > I did.
> apparently not.

I was tempted to upload a screenshot (harder to manipulate by me than simple
ASCII output) and sending a link as a proof that it exactly happened as
stated in the email written five minutes ago. I *was* tempted.

> > > > inet xx.yyy.253.225 netmask 0xff000000
> this is /8 aka

Very obviously, yes.

> > All /etc/hostname.carpN have the appropriate, namely this:
> they don't get magically re-parsed at runtime tho.

I never told that I assumed this.

> > ifconfig gives me the output I posted, however.
> and ifconfig tells the truth, of course.

Of couse. However, the logic chain of hostname.if(5)'s behaviour is still
not closed. Nevertheless the issue is solved for me (I was being forced to
act like this, as can be read below).

But, and this is very unfortunate, I was again (the fourth time) affirmed
that the OpenBSD folks have some problems.

First, the very harsh atmosphere that prevails on the mailing lists.

Second, that coders (like you, Henning) feel like 'Gods', untouchable (I
never had any intention in this) and 'above all others', which leads to the
above mentioned tone or harsh atmosphere.

Third, your advice -- to call it a such -- did not help, it was just an
email sent by you like a broadcast ``I'm still here and folks, listen to
me!'', just like the behaviour of a child suffering from ADHD.

Fourth, the assumption that ``bugs don't exist in the OpenBSD universe''.
This is a very nice, however foot-shooting assumption.

Concluding from all this, I *had* planned to purchase both two 4.5 release
sets (as one load balancer will be based on 4.5) as well as 4.6 sets (and
the following ones, for the updates). Furthermore, I wanted to do this for
every single machine being deployed from now in form of a donation (we had
planned to provide OpenBSD root servers in the next few monts, besides
servers running NetBSD, FreeBSD, CentOS, Debian, Ubuntu, OpenSolaris, etc.),
that is send the money, but don't get a set (which would just produce more

However, I have the very strong feeling inside my head that I don't want to
do this. I don't want to pay people (the OpenBSD guys) to insult me or
legion of other people. And I don't want to support a project in any ways by
running, selling, or propagating their product (in this case, OpenBSD). It's
the same as with Coca Cola -- why should I support a company shooting
employees and their families in South America?

This feeling gets stronger and stronger every time something like this
happens to me or to other people (what can be seen on a fairly regular basis
lurking on the list).

The solution to this would be very easy: Be nice.

Best regards,

Joe (saving some money, maybe giving it to other projects instead. You seem
to have enough.)

> --
> Henning Brauer, h...@bsws.de, henn...@openbsd.org
> BS Web Services, http://bsws.de
> Full-Service ISP - Secure Hosting, Mail and DNS Services
> Dedicated Servers, Rootservers, Application Hosting - Hamburg & Amsterdam

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