I'd recommend you to upgrade one last time about 2 weeks from now to a
snapshot.  Currently there is a hackathon in progress and stability
might be in flux.

Don't go back; it'll be pretty painful with pkg and stuff.

On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 12:42:26AM +0700, Insan Praja SW wrote:
> Hi Misc@,
> I'm planning on moving my 4.6-current to 4.6 release/stable, simply  
> because I need to slow my self down since everytime there are 
> fixes/commit to current source tree, I'm tempted to re-compile my kernel 
> & userland, reboot and its not favorable to the company I work for. So 
> I'm simply asking has a release been lockdown or ready? How do I migrate 
> from 14 August 2009 current to 4.6 Release/Current?. My choice would 
> simply take a release code/ISO, and upgrade/downgrade from that.
> Another question, I have a vlan interface parent on an em (4). Reading  
> through the manual, I set link0 on vlan interface so vlan hwtagging is  
> activated. should I set em with link0 too?
> Thanks.
> Best Regards,
> Insan Praja
> -- 
> insandotpraja(at)gmaildotcom

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