2009/8/11  <damien.bergam...@free.fr>:
> | [...]
> | AFAIK, hostap mode is crappy with most drivers, since they doesn't vary
> | the sending strength (AKA 'power saving') and the clients expect this.
> | [...]
> Actually, power saving at the AP has nothing to do with "sending strength".
> It is about buffering frames in the AP for clients that are sleeping.
> And yes, OpenBSD does not currently do that, so clients that are sleeping
> will never wake up (actually they will wake up at regular interval but will
> immediately return to sleep) because the AP does not inform them that they
> have buffered frames. This is something that is being worked on but that is
> not easy to implement properly.
> USB devices are usually a bad choice for building an AP anyway, since
> they have some restrictions (usually, they do not give per-frame
> feedback about TX retries, making it difficult to do per-client rate
> control, or they don't provide a way to update beacons content
> atomically, making it difficult to support anything but 802.11b or
> plain 802.11a for instance).
> Some drivers (ural(4), rum(4), maybe others as well) provide some very
> limited AP support that can be handy sometimes but you can't rely on
> this for everyday use.
> The situation is a little bit better for PCI/CardBus devices, but we
> don't support AP mode power-saving for them either.

Thanks you very much for explaining this. It's very valuable
information and it might save me some time and money.

I have PCENGINES ALIX hardware. I have a choice between MiniPCI and
USB only. I guess it's best to get some ral(4) device on MiniPCI then.

It's only for home use, but I want it to be stable. Can you recommend anything ?

Piotrek Kapczuk

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