Op 11 aug 2009, om 23:49 heeft Jeremy Evans het volgende geschreven:

On Tue, Aug 11, 2009 at 12:35 PM, L. V. Lammert<l...@omnitec.net> wrote:
Can seem to find anything in the archives, .. I just finished setting up a Rails app under Passenger on a Linux box - pretty nice! We have a Rails app running with Mongrel on 4.5, but I would really like to use an Apache SSL session; never could get that working with mod_rewrite, however, when
we were trying last yeat.

Are other folks using Passenger w/apache2, or is there another option for
Apache 1.3?

I've tried out passenger on nginx, seems to work from my limited
testing.  The work in progress ports are at:

Great, I will test this next month when I return from my holiday!
I would love to run this combination on OpenBSD.


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