Bret S. Lambert wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 06, 2009 at 02:24:21PM -0400, PJ wrote:
>> I've managed by myself so far
> Except, really, you haven't, because you apparently (unless I've missed
> something)
You did miss everything... if you were paying attention and not
emotionally hyped up (I just love provoking) you would have seen that I
fixed my problems with FreeBSD by myself, saved the crah, the files, the
OS (XP) and did make the right cd. And you like the rest of your
emotionally crippled buddies didn't think that there might be something
else in the bag of worms.
No one thought of other problems, like, maybe there's something awry in
the bios or drive configuration or the mb itself...
I thought of that and found the malady but not yet the cure... Indeed I
will find it and will save you the trouble of bothering to learn
anything... ciao, baby and hasta la vista. :-*
>  still can't make a bootable .iso. You come in and ask what are
> charitably described as ignorant questions, immediately blaming everything
> and everyone but yourself. You seem to have narrowed it down to a hardware
> issue...except that that still doesn't seem to be it. So it looks more
> and more like it's coming down to PEBCAK.
> But, hey, if you want to throw a pity party because those riding the
> intertruck are being mean to you, go right ahead. Just don't expect
> anybody else to think you're holy because you've nailed yourself to
> a cross.

HervC) Kempf: "Pour sauver la planC(te, sortez du capitalisme."
Phil Jourdan ---

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