On Wed, Jul 8, 2009 at 10:57 AM, Mike Erdely<m...@erdelynet.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 11:32:46AM +0100, Edd Barrett wrote:
>> On Tue, Jul 07, 2009 at 10:28:34AM -0400, Jason Beaudoin wrote:
>> > >  Did you have a look at www.kernel-panic.it ? There are some
>> >
>> > yes, there's some helpful info for samba, but I haven't yet seen
>> > related to winbind.. unless my google foo needs some work.
>> Winbind is a PAM plugin. OpenBSD does not use this mechanism.
> Winbind depends on the use of nsswitch.conf.
>> I don't know if ypldap can be used to talk to AD?
> That's its purpose (to be used with LDAP) and Active Directory is a
> bastardized^wenhanced implementation of LDAP.
> Along with login-ldap, ypldap should give you the same functionality as
> winbind, afaik.  But, winbind is useful with integrating Windows-based
> authentication with applications such as squid (but it's been years
> since I've done that).
> -ME

The major advantage of Winbind is that it automagically enumerates
your ADS users and binds them to UIDs on your *nix box. I've not
worked with ypldap specifically, but IIRC it's going to require that
the Win server have an NIS server aboard with UIDs already mapped. See
for info on the ADS NIS server.

If you're just looking for authentication and don't mind creating the
individual users on your OpenBSD system, just use Kerberos.It's a much
simpler and resilient setup.


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