
As made quite clear in Theo's post, a disklabel does not contain any
information about mount points.

All of the partitions you created in 4.5 exist, but the installer does not
know where to mount them, or even if you want to.

In 4.6 selecting "(C)ustom layout" will show you what's actually on-disk, if
anything is.

In your email, you simply type 'w' and 'q' without setting any mount points.

This will obviously fail.

You *NEED* to use 'm' to define mount points, this information will be passed
to the installer and won't be retained on-disk.

The act of not doing this will loop the installation, you will no longer be
prompted to "confirm" mount points.

Hopefully you are now aware of the required steps, a native English speaker
would have noticed the sarcasm in Theo's message.

Take care.


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