On Thursday 02 July 2009 14:15:35 Andrej Elizarov wrote: > If Aaron is right, you need to call to your mobile operators and ask about > "initialization string" in cell-modem properties in Windows > (like /AT+CGDCONT=1,"IP","web.pt.lu"/ ), at first. And about new phone > number for dial-up connection. > In some rare cases i had to edit resolve.conf manually ( you can ask > operator for dns ).
This was in fact a bug, and Claudio fixed it, at least for me. The changes to usr.sbin/ppp were put into the tree today. Back when I first got this T-Mobile account and data plan, *no one* at T-Mobile could help a non-Windows non-Mac user. There was simply no one there who could help. It took a lot of reading manuals for me to build the ppp.conf file that worked. Perhaps other carriers are less useless. --STeve Andre'